
The point is to DEVELOP skills at the lowest end .... and to ensure that what 
we have behaves even more easily than it does for us. The point of these 
licenses is to encourage. Some of the behaviour of a few of our own is not 
inviting and welcoming; some even believe and sustain arguments that there 
should not be Technician/Foundation class licences.

Amateurs are seen "at court" (i.e. by Governments) as a patch of grumpy old 
conservatives that look to the past and are not welcoming of change. Comments 
from the noisy nutters on social platforms mediums such as (de)Facebook sustain 
their assumptions. Some (and I believe quite wrongly) take their work to the 
grave and just bitch and grizzle about the smallest of things.

By far the majority of Amateurs subscribe to the HAM Concept (i.e. Help All 
Mankind) and are open with their learning;. By far the vast majority help and 
work with others. Yet this is the sector that is mostly silent on forums and in 

For background, our regulator The ACMA (in their infinite wisdom) just released 
changes on Thursday without notice and time for the whole Amateur Community 
(internationally) to phase in training and change; there was no time offered 
for proofing (and the example that I am about to provide supports this) .... 
some aspects of their latest changes are NOT in the syllabi for any of the 3 
licence grades i.e. what does "Where the necessary bandwidth exceeds 8 KHz, the 
maximum power spectral density from the transmitter must not exceed 1 W per 100 
KHz"  mean in legislation?  There is no reference to measuring distances or 
equipment needed to guarantee compliance in the legislation nor examples 
provided in the explanatory documents to try to get an idea what was in the 
Bureaucrats' minds ???? 

(Please email me back personally if you can answer that question in a form that 
can be easily conveyed to Introductory Licensees and I'll use it !!!!)

For the first 24 hours all I and many others have been doing is chasing 
"QRA'ers" (i.e. those that insist on stations returning Maidenhead locators) 
and Amateurs growling at these entry-level licensees for making mistakes .... 
That is what us Assessors and Trainers that are responsible in AR do ! The 
responsible ones amongst us work behind the scenes - not using our quals as 
"ego lifts" or making us out to be "big special important people" - we guide 
and keep our "trainees" under our wings and growl back at the recalcitrant 
amongst us to encourage and support those that we have trained and assessed.

There more we can do to make the experiences of entry-level licenses to our 
"fetish" (i.e. AR) pleasant - the safer we can make our AR spectrum for all - 
the better I say ! The more we can welcome the better I say ! The more we can 
simplify for the entry level the better I say !

Then AR may have a chance of surviving in this age where we are seen as a relic 
of a bygone era. 

Let's close this argument as this is not really a topic for further discussion 
on a forum that is for reporting and resolving issues; the lack of further 
comment from primary developers suggests that the issue I have raised has been 
recognised and will be addressed :-)


Steve I

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Shorney <jshor...@inebraska.com> 
Sent: Friday, 27 September 2019 9:14 PM
To: wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Note for Developers and Users

Um, what? Of course skill is required at the lowest levels. Isn't that the 
point? To develop a pool of skilled radio operators? How far do you want to 
dumb it down? 



On Thu, 26 Sep 2019 12:38:50 +0000
Stephen Ireland <vk3...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> So ... if skill is required at the lowest of levels then this issue of 
> complexity should be addressed - with priority - to take the skill out of the 
> equation.....

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