Grant --

On 11/19/2019 4:36 PM, Grant VK5GR wrote:

We tested a lot of the station before we left - as much functionality and
hardware as we could in fact. However in the case of FOX mode, that is
something that is extremely difficult to test ...

Actually, the disabling of *Tx Enable* after Fox sends RR73 in WSJT-X 2.1.0 is very easy to confirm. Fox needs only make a single QSO with someone acting as Hound. Do it over the air, if you wish, but it's trivial to simulate by using two instances of WSJT-X running on a single computer, with loop-back audio.

... until you arrive somewhere
where people will a) accept you should be running FOX mode and b) are able
to attract enough callers to even conduct the test. I'm afraid your
suggestion of "test before you leave" in this case perhaps isn't a practical
one :)

Quite the contrary.

Most expeditions running FOX mode these days start with small 2-3 man
shows which head out to exotic places that justify FOX mode. Things like the
RR73 problem only really become apparent after perhaps 15-30 minutes of use
when it dawns on you what is going on too. In reality most FOX stations
don't have the resources to try a full FOX mode QSO test as you suggested
prior to leaving.

Again, this makes no sense.

As for the band activity window - yes screen realestate is cluttered as it
stands - but not being able to see the band activity is an extremely serious
problem on the air. The "workarounds" proposed are just that - workarounds.
Not all Fox operators will be that savvy (although I wish I had thought of
the tail ALL.TXT idea out on the island).

Managing a pileup, perhaps in the presence of unrelated QRM, is surely the responsibility of the operator of a much desired DX station. Yesterday I described two different ways to keep track of such "unrelated QRM".

        -- Joe, K1JT

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