This is why WSJT-X requires someone in front of the computer to actually
use their decision making process to do this.

Neil, KN3ILZ

On 2/28/2020 9:26 AM, DG2YCB, Uwe wrote:

Maybe a small correction to my proposal: IMO wsjt-x should auto-log
all incomplete QSOs when all necessary data have been exchanged
between the two callsigns. Necessary data means exchange of the
callsigns, and during contests the reports and Exch (but not the 73 or
RR73 messages). In case the final 73 or RR73 message is not
receivedafter two repeats wsjt-x shall automatically add 'QSO
incomplete' at Comments.

Wouldn’t something like be that what we need? Reason I am proposing
this is that (a) I saw dozens of ‘incomplete’ QSOs, where the exchange
of the necessary data took less than one minute, but then an endless
series of “73” or “RR73” exchanges followed, and (b) lots of OMs are
not willing or able to check their wsjt-x’s all.txt and log such a QSO
manually. Please consider also that there are many countries around
the world where from the legal point of view a QSO which is mandatory
to be logged took place even after one single exchange of signals
between two stations.

73 de Uwe, DG2YCB

*Von:*DG2YCB, Uwe []
*Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2020 17:19
*An:* 'WSJT software development'
*Betreff:* Re: [wsjt-devel] FT4 and FT8 Contesting

IMO wsjt-x should auto-log all incomplete QSOs when at least one
successful exchange of the two callsigns was there. Just let wsjt-x
automatically add 'QSO incomplete' at Comments.

73 de Uwe, DG2YCB

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