On 03/06/2020 22:57, Laurie, VK3AMA wrote:
On 2/06/2020 9:17 am, Bill Somerville wrote:
On 01/06/2020 23:36, Laurie, VK3AMA wrote:
Tracked down the JTAlert non-coloring of decodes in the release candidates. 2.1.2 works correctly, but the -rcs don't (tested both rc2 & rc3) when the decode string contains a positive report. Reports that are negative are colored correctly.

"AA1AA VK3AMA +12" & "AA1AA VK3AMA R+12" - FAIL

"AA1AA VK3AMA -12" & "AA1AA VK3AMA R-12" - OK

Is it the "+" symbol at fault or is there some hidden character in the decodes display that breaks the string matching for positive report decodes?

JTAlert sending the coloring command containing the "VK3AMA R-12" string correctly colors while "VK3AMA R+12" fails with the only difference is the number sign in the string sent to WSJT-X.

de Laurie VK3AMA

Hi Laurie,

that's surprising, it can only be down to something changing in Qt as far as I can see. I will see if I can reproduce and investigate. The search does use a "whole words search" so it might well be that a '-' is considered a word character and a '+' not.



A new defect identified with the decode coloring. The HighlightLast flag is not being honored properly.

To work-around the non-highlighting of strings containing a '+' symbol I modified JTAlert to only highlight callsigns only less the report part of the decode. JTAlert has always used the HighlightLast flag set to true.

A simple test with "AX3TC" set as a wanted callsign to be highlighted when decoded, JTAlert correctly doesn't alert/highlight when AX3TC is the target of a decode..

Now AX3TC is decoded transmitting so JTAlert alerts and highlights the Callsign. WSJT-X 2.2.0-GA correctly highlights the Callsign but also incorrectly highlights the previous period which was previously not colored...

It looks to me like there is some sort of logic bug in determining the last period.

Rerunning the same tests with WSJT-X 2.1.2 the correct results are observed, no incorrect coloring of AX3TC in previous period.

de Laurie VK3AMA

Hi Laurie,

I think I know what is happening here. Can you confirm that is behaviour only happen when there is a single decode per period?


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