
Check your *Settings *> *Frequencies *frequency table to find an entry at the end of it with improper frequency entry. Likely you missed the entry must be in MHz. So if entered improperly it would appear as GHz.

From _Section 4.6. Frequencies_

To add a new entry, right-click anywhere on the frequency table and select*Insert*. Enter a frequency in MHz in the pop-up box and select the desired mode (or leave the Mode selection as*All*). Then click*OK*. The table may include more than one frequency for a given band.

73, Gene/K5PA

On 6/28/2020 8:43 AM, Rik Strobbe wrote:

I tried to run 2 instances of WSJT-X, as described in https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjtx-doc/wsjtx-main-2.2.2.html​ (FAQ, point 2).

Both instances are working, but one always trows "invalid operation" errors (or warnings):


Invalid operation

The BandPlan has no entries that match an frequency of 3297312.768 MHz.

The Band and Mode have not been changed.

I am probably doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out what.

73, Rik  ON7YD

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Gene Hinkle
9109 Topridge Drive, Austin, TX 78750
e-mail to Gene:  ghin...@gmail.com
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