Me too.  I was running FT4 and alternating between S&P and running.  Version 
2.2.2 crashed (disappeared) 3 times in the first hour.  Also, there were 
several times when decoding stopped.  (The Band Activity pane was no longer 
showing anything new.)


Since it was the beginning of FD, I uninstalled 2.2.2 and re-installed 2.1.2.  
V2.1.2 worked fine for the remainder of FD.  I wish I had known that I should 
try fast decoding instead of deep as I would have tried 2.2.2 a while longer.


Running Window 10 Pro 64-bit v2004 with fast processor and plenty of memory.  
Rig is an FTDX-5000 via HRD Rig Control.


David, AK2L



From: Bruce Bohannon <> 
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2020 09:08
To: Black Michael via wsjt-devel <>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] FD FT4 crashing


I had several crashes yesterday myself on FT-4. In my case I had to reboot the 
computer 4 times. I gave up on it. I t did not crash while in FT-8 mode.

Windows 10 Home version 10.0.18362

In my case, I'm not sure if it is a WSJT-X or N1MM error. I'll work on it later 


Bruce WA1YZN

On 6/28/2020 10:32, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

Decided to work some FT4 Field Day operators and about 4 times so far WSJT-X 
2.2.2 has crashed.

Seems to be when it's in a Tx/Rx cycle but not sure about that.

It's not the WAV file causing it as a replay works just fine.


I had a friend reporting the same problem.


Mike W9MDB

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