On 23/11/2020 09:43, DG2YCB, Uwe wrote:

- A new  internal system and data logging  facility used  to provide

  trace,  debug, information,  warning,  error,  and   fatal  error

  messages. The verbosity and filtering of messages is user definable

  via a configuration file. Without  a configuration file a basic log

  is written with  information, warning and error  messages only. Log

  files are automatically rotated to limit disk usage.

Hi Bill,

How can I find information on such a configuration file for the new internal system and data logging function? Is there any documentation yet? Which parameters can be set and how? Is it also possible to deactivate the logging (to further reduce the number disk accesses)? I already looked in the online user guide but couldn’t find it there.

73 de Uwe, DG2YCB

Hi Uwe,

an example user configuration file will be made available, for now you can see it here (note it needs some updates):


I would strongly advise not trying to turn off logging completely. The default settings with no configuration file are tuned for maximum performance and only write to the new wsjtx_syslog.log for messages of info status or higher. We will reserve those for occasional useful messages, warnings, errors, and fatal errors. The amount of disk access in that mode will be very small indeed.

To configure the logging put a suitable wsjtx_log_config.ini in the WSJT-X log files directory. You might try this minimal configuration file to see what is actually logged at full verbosity:

%H:%M:%S.%f\")%][%Uptime(format=\"%O:%M:%S.%f\")%][%Channel%][%Severity%] %File%(%Line%) 
%Function%: %Message%"

Note this is completely unfiltered and will write quite a lot of data, and is not recommended for normal operation. The configuration does this:

 * Creates a log message sink to a text file,
 * Writes to the file asynchronously in a separate thread (does not
   impact WSJT-X performance),
 * Flushes each message to the file immediately after they are produced
   (no buffering),
 * Formats the message with a timestamp, application uptime, channel,
   severity, code location,
 * Rotates the log file each day at midday,
 * Rotates old logs into the WSJT-X log files sub-directory "logs",
 * The log file name is wsjtx_syslog.log in the WSJT-X log files directory,
 * Rotated log files are named wsjtx_syslog_YYYY-MM_nn.log where nn is
   an incrementing number,
 * The existing log file is appended to on application startup,
 * Application startup scans existing log files and rotates them if
 * The rotated log files are limited to a total of 1 Gbyte or ten files.

This is still a work in progress. The amount of log messages available and the channels they are written to will be expanded over future releases. Judicious use of channel and severity filtering will be most useful when creating custom logging configurations for diagnostics etc..

More information here: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_74_0/libs/log/doc/html/log/detailed/utilities.html#log.detailed.utilities.setup.settings_file


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