On 17/02/2021 14:35, John Nelson via wsjt-devel wrote:

I have guided David (via landline) to get wsjtx to launch.   The immediate 
problem appears to be a failure of wsjtx to be installed in the Applications 
folder by using the normal installation procedure of dragging the WSJT-X icon 
on top of the Applications icon in the dmg panel.    This only results in an 
alias being created in the Applications folder pointing to /Volumes…..  A 
Terminal command   cd  /Applications/wsjtx.app  results in no such file etc.   

Next I got David to drag the WSJT-X icon from the dmg panel directly to an open 
Applications folder.  This worked.   I am expecting further emails but for the 
moment, I will take care of getting this solved.

— John G4KLA

Hi John,

thanks for that, I assumed he had done something different from a regular installation. Clearly a big picture with instructions and a big green arrow was insufficient in his case, hi.


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