
I downloaded rc-2  last week shortly after it became available. I've managed a 
Q65 QSO over the weekend with a rover. I noticed that when I went to TX there 
seemed to be a delay between the clock rolling over and when I heard audio from 
the rig. On MSK144 and Q65 this didn't present too much of a problem but when I 
went to FT8 this morning I couldn't get any replies, even from strong stations. 
The delay was in the 2 -3 second range. I reverted to 2.3.0 and the delay has 
gone away.
Admittedly my shack computer is old and slow but I don't see the delay in 2.3.0 
that I did with rc-2. Computer is dual core Pentium running under Win 10 Home.
I'm excited about the possibilities of Q65 but can't live with the delay on 
Jim KC7QY  
wsjt-devel mailing list

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