I have a significantly different way to try to address the underlying problem. I'm not sure if it is even possible, and it is a fairly big change.

When operating on CW, I use full break-in (QSK) to monitor my transmit frequency. When operating voice and other data modes, the transmit times aren't synchronized, so monitoring the frequency between transmissions can be effective.

These techniques don't work with the JT modes. However, they have an excellent ability to decode a message in spite of significant fading. It should be possible to switch to receive during the middle of a transmission to monitor the frequency and switch back with only minor loss of decode effectiveness.

I have simulated this approach using a K3 by pressing the "Halt TX" button for a second or two and then restarting the transmission without having the other end miss the decode. If this procedure was automatic, the windows of non-transmission could be shorter, reducing the effects on decode.

I dream of being able to press a button to invoke this procedure, and get back something like a signal to noise level on the channel: a low S/N meaning the channel is not occupied.

73 Bill AE6JV

Bill Frantz |"After all, if the conventional wisdom was working, the 408-348-7900 | rate of systems being compromised would be going down,
www.pwpconsult.com | wouldn't it?" -- Marcus Ranum

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