Hello. WY1P here; an Ubuntu Linux user. I operate FT-8. I've been trying to get some type of audio alerts working to let me know when there's a new DXCC country on the band, both overall and per band. JTalert does not run on Linux, so I tried Gridtracker, but (at least on Linux), its alerts either don't work at all or they alert for new DXCC when there is none. A total mess and useless for me. JTDX has exactly the notification alerts that I want, but (at least the Linux version) has an annoying issue: Unless the receive cursor is on a place on the waterfall that is dead quiet, it stops transmitting. Useless. Most of the time there are no places on the waterfall quiet enough to allow it to continue transmitting. There are other annoying things about it also. I much prefer WSJT-X! But I need simple audio alerts...

    So I was wondering if the developers of WSJT-X would consider incorporating the same kind of simple beep alerts that JTDX has.

    Thank you for all you do.

    Aaron - WY1P

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