Hi Dave,


Joe sent this mail on the [WSJTX] list

73, Reino OH3mA


Joe’s mail:


Sorry about the missing T/R period control in WSJT-X 2.6.0.  This was 
completely unintentional; the problem had been recognized and corrected, but 
the corrected code was inadvertently not moved into the master code branch.  A 
bug-fix release will be made very soon.


In the meantime, a simple workaround is to open the file WSJT-X.ini with a text 
editor (such as Notepad) search for any lines that contain "TRPeriod_Q65", and 
change the number to whatever you need.  For example, for one-minute T/R 
sequences you will want the line




You may find more than one instance of TRPeriod_Q65.  Change them all!


File WSJT-X.ini is in the Log directory, which can be accessed directly from 
the WSJT-X File menu.


    -- 73, Joe, K1JT


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