
If your implementation of SemVer really differs from jsemver and others let's use your own implementation. But I don't see any need of dragging whole the nodejs.core as a dependency of bower.core because of just using common SemVer-classes. So, I'd rather move your SemVer implementation into some separated utility plug-in (either SemVer specific or some common utility plug-in) and use it as a dependency of both - nodejs and bower - plug-ins. This will help to separate nodejs, bower plug-ins from each other and to contribute them one-by-one with the smaller peaces of the code.

Victor Rubezhny

On 12/15/2014 01:39 PM, Stéphane Bégaudeau wrote:
Hi Victor,

For the semantic versioning dependency, I have created an implementation of the node-server module in order to have the same behavior as node.js (and thus bower) regarding dependencies. I am not sure that jsemver follows the same exact conventions because node semver does not really follow the standard (it has improved for npm2 and node semver 4).

Stephane Begaudeau, Obeo

Le 11 déc. 2014 à 17:13, Victor Rubezhny < <>> a écrit :

Hi Stephane!

We've looked at the code you provided at

We'd like you to contribute your projects into JSDT on one by one basic. To do that we need to split the code into a number of projects that don't depend on each other.

For example, o.e.w.jsdt.bower.core has a dependency to o.e.w.jsdt.nodejs.core because of using Semantic Versioning classes that are defined in nodejs.core. If it's possible to replace those SemVer classes with the ones defined in jsemver project (See: - we would never need to have that dependency from bower to nodejs. [Note: JSemVer is not in JSDT Target Platform at the moment, but probably we're able to force the inclusion of it into Orbit bundle.]

We've found some external libraries that are used in your project that aren't included into JSDT or WTP Target Platform, as such we have to remove/replace them with some existing other libraries or force the adding of them into the TP for JSDT or WTP:

- org.eclipse.xtend.lib
- org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib
- org.eclipse.jgit

We're going to investigate on possibility to include these libraries into the JSDT or WTP Target platform.

Once the project is split into the independent pieces and the listed required libraries are added into the JSDT/WTP TP you can initiate contributing your projects to JSDT one by one. I think this way is much simpler than trying to contribute it by one piece.

Victor Rubezhny

On 10/31/2014 01:14 PM, Stéphane Bégaudeau wrote:

I will start by presenting myself, my name is Stéphane Bégaudeau, I am working for Obeo <> and I am a contributor or leader in some projects of the Eclipse Foundation. I may have seen some of you during EclipseCon Europe 2014 this week while I was presenting a talk on web application development.

I would like to contribute to the Eclipse JSDT project to improve the tooling for JavaScript and front-end development. I am currently working on the integration of tools like npm, bower, node, gulp and grunt in the Eclipse IDE. You can find my code on Github <>, it’s still a work in progress with some experiments inside. When my code will be more stable and tested, I will try to contribute it using Gerrit.

In the end, this tooling would include:
- a launch configuration for node.js applications
- a basic Java implementation of bower built on top of JGit and a Java implementation of node.js semantic versioning <> engine
- actions dedicated to bower, npm, grunt and gulp
- dedicated views to manage the dependencies of a node application or web application project (bower and nom dependencies)
- some preferences pages
- some wizards for JavaScript and web applications (in order to make users follow some of the best practices available)
- a builder that can be plugged to gulp or grunt

I have attached a couple screenshots in order to show you what I had in mind or what I have already done.


Stephane Bégaudeau, Obeo

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