Then there definitely was some confusion. I thought I had read that thread carefully . . . but the only example I saw was
    while not ($,"Second").exists?)
      sleep 0.5

and from the discussion, it very much appeared to me that you were proposing to add a (possibly optional) retry to the "exists?" method. When I asked you about it, you replied with:

"What it would mean is that whenever Watir failed to find an object, it would sleep for a fraction of a second and then try again . . . "  which reinforced my impression that you were referring to the "exists?" method.

If that is not what you were proposing, then there was definitely a misunderstanding.

Lonny Eachus

Re: [Wtr-general] Automation annoyingness
"Bret Pettichord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thu, 8 Jun 2006 15:12:07 -0500

. . .

I'm confused. The proposal isn't to change the exists? method, but rather the other methods.

If you want a new name (for whatever method), please suggest one.

Specifically, I propose that where you currently do this:
while not ($,"Second").exists?)
  sleep 0.5
You would instead just do this
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