I am pleased to announced that Charley Baker has accepted the position
of project manager for the Watir project. Charley has been helping the
project in numerous ways. He made sure that all the open issues were
migrated and documented in Jira, which allowed me to put together the
dynamic road map that i published the other day. He has also been key
in defining our new policies regarding contributions.

Several of you have generously offered to help out with documenting
Watir. Thank you. Charley will be coordinating this effort and will be
contacting you.

He knows my thoughts on what kind of documentation we need. I will
just say one thing. To me, the most valuable thing would be to review
the questions that show up on this list and see what we could do to
make the answers easier for people to find. Not by searching the list,
but by enhancing our our documentation and websites.

Charley will also provide an alternative channel for appeals. Like any
developer, there are areas where i may dismiss bug reports or
suggestions too quickly. Charley will help make sure that the project
doesn't suffer when this happens.

As his day job, Charley is rolling out Watir at Bay Area Retailer, and
is quite aware of many struggles that our users currently face. Please
feel free to contact Charley directly if you would like to help us in
any way.
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