Bret Pettichord wrote:

>I am in the process of adding a new feature to Watir and have a question.
> Consider this code:
>     headline = $ie.div(:text, 'Pragmatic Version Control')
>     link = $ => 'addtocart', :after? => headline)
> Would you assume that link was after headline, or headline after link?
> I can make it work either way. Which is more intuitive? Or is it
> confusing no matter what?

'after' is reflexive when used as a question. Is link after headline? It 
reflects its target to before its subject. 'after' is transitive when used 
imperatively. "Link! After link, headline!"

So Ruby's silly ? and ! markers make more sense than we thought. "Whaddaya 
mean you can write anything and it doesn't check if you are really doing a 
query without side-effects inside a ? function?? I'm going back to a 
paranoid language with static typing and everything!"

Now I just have to figure out how to stop adding get_ and I'm there.

Who wants to write a tiny book /Elements of Ruby Style/ ?

  Phlip <-- NOT a blog!!!

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