
I started off using Mondrian ( http://www.mondrian-ide.com/ ) and at first 
really liked the structure if gave me. I came from Visual Studio .Net so I was 
very used to the 'Heavy IDE' format.

The problem is I started to have growing pains with with it. I noticed that it 
was slowing down my work, forcing artificial constraints on me and, on very 
rare occasion crashing (unacceptable for an IDE in my opinion).

I switched to a very organized file structure, and scite. I run the program 
using a batch file so i get the standard console window. The batch file also 
includes a 'pause' command so that at the end of the program it doesn't close 
the console.

I miss multi file find, search and replace - but i can just find a better 
editor for that. I personally enjoy the freedom of no overhead, just me and 1 
million scite windows open.

my 2c
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