np Bret, the thread turned into (2) different issues, so it got a little hairy.

The 2nd problem that I was talking about, in respect to running scripts outside 
of the watir directory, is fixed. Problem solved.

The 1st problem, and the problem I started this thread for, is still on-going.

Here is the full source code that I am executing:

require 'rubygems'
require_gem 'watir'
require 'watir/contrib/ie-new-process' 

$ie = Watir::IE.new_process
$ie.logger.level = Logger::ERROR
$ie.text_field(:name, "q").set("TEXT")

When I have the default action for a .rb file (Tools-->Folder Options-->File 
Types) set to:

"c:\ruby\bin\rubyw.exe" "%1" %*

OR, if I run the script from the cmd prompt using rubyw (rubyw.exe script.rb), 
as soon as the browser is opened the script terminates. It won't even execute 
the "goto" function and navigate to the proper url, or set the text_field.

This happens whether or not I have the "logger" line of code as well, so it 
isn't that.

This same code works 100% fine when I use ruby.exe instead of rubyw.exe.

I am using ruby 1.8.5, with watir watir-1[1].5.1.1166.gem.
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