> 2.  Is Firewatir completely operational like Watir? (though, I could see that 
> firewatir is being used currently, I just wants a confirmation from the 
> appropriate persons)

In a sense.

Think of it like this:

Watir is a set of instructions in Ruby for manipulating Windows OLE
and COM interfaces.  FireWatir removes the OLE/COM stuff and replaces
it with the jssh (javascript shell) Firefox extension.  SafariWatir
removes the OLE/COM stuff and replaces it with Applescript.

In practice, this means that some methods available on one platform
won't be available on another platform.  Also, since these are all
separate projects started at different times and growing at different
rates, some features that might be shared, won't be shared.  For
instance, Watir has a built-in page-load timer, but FireWatir does

These feature-mismatches are something that Bret, Angrez, and others
would like to improve.  If you were to use Watir and FireWatir in a
serious manner and report discrepancies between them here and on
OpenQA/Rubyforge, that would be a big incentive to make the projects
share more code and more features.
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