jim_matt wrote:
> I wanted to share something I discovered.  I had reported earlier that 
> I sometimes I had problems attaching a browser using ":title".  The 
> problem turns out to be that "title" is part of the HTML.  The 
> confusion comes because if the HTML does not have a title,  IE 
> displays the URL in the title bar of the browser.  This makes it look 
> like you should be able to attach the IE browser using ":title", but 
> the attach will fail with an error like:
> Watir::Exception::NoMatchingWindowFoundException: Unable to locate a 
> window with title of (?i-mx:<whatever you used to match>)
> This is worth a note in the documentation for matching on ":title" 
> because it certainly looks like it should work.
This report is correct (we've discussed this offline). Both the 
IE.attach and the ie.title method are consistent in this regard -- both 
consider the title to be the HTML title of the page, which is not 
necessarily what appears in the title bar.

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