Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 23, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

How many times in recent days have we heard politicians and 
media pundits invoke the "will of the people"?

Once the messy recounts are over and a president has been 
chosen, they say, the government can go about its normal 
business of carrying out the "will of the people." That is 
the American Way, the great democratic process that begins 
at the ballot box in the United States.

The problem with this view is that, stuffed ballot boxes or 
not, U.S. elections certainly do NOT serve "the will of the 
people." This political system was designed to uphold the 
will of the privileged few. It didn't start with this 
election, but has been going on for over 200 years.

However, the false issue of democracy has been used so often 
by administrations in Washington to intervene around the 
globe that a short review of how elections are used to 
advance imperialist schemes is in order.


The claim by "experts" in Washington that elections in some 
other country have been flawed has been used more than once 
as an excuse for intervention. First comes political and 
economic pressure. Then, if that doesn't work, there may be 
outright military invasion.

The most recent and flagrant example of this is, of course, 
the massive intervention of the U.S. and European capitalist 
countries in Yugoslavia's presidential election. Little 
effort was made to conceal the millions spent on posters, 
fax machines, television ads and other means to propel the 
candidacy of Vojislav Kostunica. This plus threats of a new 
war and promises to rebuild the shattered country evidently 
succeeded in winning him the popular vote.

We say evidently because, now that the media are paying so 
much attention to the U.S. election, it is obvious that 
there are many, many ways to change the outcome of voting--
from "losing" ballots to intimidating voters to 
disenfranchising large numbers of people. Maybe this didn't 
happen in Yugoslavia, but it has certainly happened here, in 
the country that appointed itself to decide if Yugoslavia's 
elections were fair.

Why does the U.S. ruling class prefer Kostunica to former 
President Slobodan Milosevic? "Democracy" hasn't got a thing 
to do with it. Kostunica is committed to accepting economic 
and political dictates from the U.S., the International 
Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Foreign corporations are 
already taking the measure of Yugoslavia's state-owned 
industry, which the new "reformers" are preparing to sell to 
the highest bidder.


The loudest shouting about democracy can be in reality the 
excuse for massive election fraud. With the help of spin 
masters in the media, the people chosen by Washington to 
carry out its agenda are given "legitimacy" in elections 
bought and paid for by the U.S.

For example, the International Monetary Fund openly gave 
Boris Yeltsin a $10-billion loan just before the Russian 
election in 1996 to buy him the presidency. It allowed him 
to outspend the Communist Party candidate, Gennadi Zhu 
ganov, by 10,000 to one at a time of great economic crisis.

There, too, the clear threat that there would be a dangerous 
return to the Cold War if the left won helped tip the vote.

"Democracy is served," said all the Western commentators 
when Yeltsin won. He soon became the most unpopular leader 
in Russian history, earning a 5-percent approval rating that 
put him below Ivan the Terrible and Rasputin. And no wonder. 
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, living conditions 
for the masses in all its former republics have deteriorated 
more sharply than did conditions in the capitalist West 
after the stock market crash and Great Depression of the 

All this has been done in the name of "American democracy." 
Should we be so surprised at how hollow that now turns out 
to be?

Some of the bloodiest conflicts of recent times have come 
after U.S. pressure actually prevented a real election from 
taking place.


Take the U.S. war against Vietnam, for example--that 
ruinous, one-sided, high-tech assault on a poor peasant 
country trying to break free of colonial bondage. Its roots 
go back to 1954, when the Vietnamese liberation forces had 
just defeated the French colonialists at Dien Bien Phu. 
Under enormous pressure from the U.S. at international peace 
talks in Geneva, the Vietnamese reluctantly agreed to a 
temporary partition of their country. Within two years, 
however, there were supposed to be nationwide elections.

Not one among all the international experts on Southeast 
Asia doubted that, if real elections were held, the next 
president of Vietnam would be Ho Chi Minh. He was the hero 
of the independence movement, having led the fight against 
both the French and Japanese colonialists for decades.

The nationwide elections were never held. The Eisenhower 
administration dug up Ngo Dinh Diem, an expatriate living in 
New Jersey, and spent millions to establish him as 
"president of South Vietnam."

In October 1963, after the U.S. military had become directly 
involved in Vietnam and massive demonstrations had begun in 
the south against the Diem dictatorship, the Kennedy 
administration had Diem and his brother assassinated so it 
could put in someone less known and hated by the Vietnamese 
people. What the CIA giveth, it can taketh away.

Thus began the hand-picking of a long string of "heads of 
state" in South Vietnam by the great democrats in the U.S. 
ruling class--until a furious anti-war movement at home and 
an unstoppable resistance in both north and south Vietnam 
combined to force an end to the war.


In the book "Rogue State," published by Common Courage 
press, former State Department officer William Blum 
summarizes a long history of U.S. efforts, mostly 
successful, to throw elections in countries where there were 
strong political movements that resisted control by U.S. 
corporations and banks.

Blum shows how U.S. operatives, often but not always working 
for the Central Intelligence Agency, carried out a variety 
of dirty tactics to affect elections in the Philippines (the 
1950s), Lebanon (the 1950s), Indonesia (1955), Vietnam 
(1955), British Guiana/Guyana (1953-64), Japan (1958-1970s), 
Nepal (1959), Laos (1960), Brazil (1962), Dominican Republic 
(1962), Guatemala (1963), Bolivia (1966), Chile (1964-70), 
Portugal (1974-5), Jamaica (1976), Spain (1981, 82), Panama 
(1984,1989), Nicaragua (1984, 1990), Haiti (1987-89) and 
Bosnia (1998).


As long as this list may seem, it does not exhaust the 
subject. Much information has come out in recent years, for 
example, on how in 1948 the CIA spent millions to produce a 
victory of the Christian Democrats in Italy against the 
Communist Party. The CP enjoyed immense popularity among the 
workers because it had led the Partisan resistance to 
Mussolini's fascist regime.

What does all this show us about the recent U.S. 
presidential elections and the "will of the people"? That 
when the issue has been settled, regardless of which 
candidate and party come out on top, the Pentagon, the CIA, 
the State Department and all the other institutions of the 
state that have been shaped over many generations to serve 
the interests of the class of super-rich capitalists will 
continue to do their thing.

However, the peek that millions of up-to-now unaware people 
in this country have had at the sordid workings of the 
political system should bring out some healthy skepticism 
the next time the rulers of the empire try to enlist their 
support behind the export of "democracy" abroad via U.S. 
dollars and guns.

- END -

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