Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 23, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


[The following is excerpted from Chapter 34 of "Market 
Elections" by Vince Copeland, entitled "1876: Stuffing 
ballots, smothering Black freedom."]

This story of rigged elections begins with the election of 
1876, the one that was really the fountainhead of modern 
political corruption--that is, the legal and illegal 
corruption of imperialist democracy.

When the election returns of Nov. 7, 1876, had all come in, 
the Democratic candidate, Samuel J. Tilden, had beaten the 
Republican, Rutherford B. Hayes, by 4,288,546 popular votes 
to 4,034,311, and 184 Democratic votes in the Electoral 
College to 165 for the Republicans.

After several months of maneuvering and of almost unbearable 
tensions throughout the country, however, it was announced 
on March 2, 1877, that Hayes, not Tilden, was the victor, 
with 185 electoral votes to Tilden's 184. ...

The extra votes for Hayes were supplied by South Carolina, 
Florida, and Louisiana--three states whose elections had 
been challenged by the Republicans on the morning of 
November 8, 1876.

What compelled these states to reverse their votes and give 
the election to the party that had prosecuted a war against 
the ruling class of these very states just a decade before?

A national Electoral Commission controlled by the 
Republicans formally effected the change. But as part of the 
deal, it promised these states' rulers, and in fact the 
whole South's rulers, that Reconstruction would be 
definitely ended and the last of the then-revolutionary 
Union troops would be withdrawn from their occupation of the 

On the other hand, it really was true that these states--and 
nearly all the Southern states--had rigged the elections, 
particularly against the Black voters. But if the 
Republicans had initiated a drive to reverse this, it would 
have meant a continuation of Reconstruction, something they 
themselves did not want.

The story of the 1876 switch of votes is not only one of 
corruption at the polls but of a betrayal of colossal 
proportions. It was directed first of all against the Black 
people, second against the white majority of the North who 
had sacrificed so much in the Civil War, and third against 
the poor whites of the South, who were now slowly turned 
into lynch-mad servants of the very class that oppressed 
them most.

Thus the election of 1876, although not the first or the 
last rigged election in U.S. history, was clearly the worst.


It definitely pronounced the end of Black democracy in the 
so-called Reconstruction, and, partly for that reason, set 
the stage for the Tweedledum-Tweedledee character of modern 
capitalist politics.

In restoring so much of the power of the Southern ruling 
class, it gave these reactionary Bourbons more legislative 
power--by population--than they had ever had before.

The old "five for three" clause in the Constitution had been 
eliminated by the war. (Every five nonvoting Black slaves 
had been counted as three people in determining population 
for congressional representation.) Five Black people were 
now counted as five.

The only catch was that, as in slave days, they still could 
not vote. ...

To further understand the scope of the betrayal of 1876, we 
have to remember that the Republican Party was the organizer 
of the North in the Civil War, the chief political advocate 
of Black liberation. Its smaller radical wing in Congress 
identified itself to a great extent with the Black masses, 
fighting hard but unsuccessfully for the division of the 
plantations into free farms for the oppressed.

The Democratic Party, on the other hand, had been the party 
of reaction, the party of the slaveholders, and even in the 
North was generally their ally. Tilden himself had opposed 
the "war between the states," as the Democrats called it.

Then how, it might be asked, did the Democrats of those days 
get enough votes in the North to tip the balance?

For one thing the cities were now growing very fast, and the 
big businessmen were now riding so hard and heavy upon the 
workers that Democratic Party machines grew fat by 
"attacking" big business and the Republicans. (Of course, 
the Democratic bosses secretly took bribes from the 
Republican capitalists whenever they could get them. The 
principal graft of Tammany Hall, for instance, came from its 
shakedowns of rich Republicans.)

Secondly, the corruption of the Republican administration of 
Ulysses S. Grant had been so great it disgusted many of the 
very people who had supported the war the most.

This is a very well known fact of U.S. history. What is not 
so well known or well understood is that big business had 
waged the war in the first place not just for personal and 
"political" corruption, but fundamentally for land-
swindling, treasury-plundering, people-robbing capitalist 
"development"--only incidentally and grudgingly "freeing" 
the slaves.

So the Democratic Tilden ran as a "reformer," although he 
had secretly allied himself with the extremely corrupt Boss 
Tweed of New York City's Tammany Hall before being 
maneuvered to join the powerful New York Times campaign 
against Tweed. ...


The Northern Democrats who before the Civil War were the 
subordinate ally of the slaveholders now became the dominant 
ally. Tilden, for instance, did not even have to "balance" 
his ticket with a Southern vice-presidential candidate to 
get the Southern Democratic vote.

... [A]lthough the Northern Democrats were now the dominant 
ally of the Southern Democrats in national politics, they 
stood for restoring as much of the slaveholders' former 
power as was compatible with Northern capitalist rule of the 
whole country.

The Republicans supposedly were against this.

But the majority of the Republican leadership had been 
secretly helping the former slaveholders to regain their 
former political power in the South--first of all by 
allowing them to beat down the Black people.

The election deal that promised the Southern ruling class a 
free hand in the South was thus only the parliamentary side 
of the bloody counter-revolution that the Democratic 
Southern ruling class had already carried out. Its 
consummation set the seal of legality, Republican consent, 
and finality to the armed suppression of Black freedom. ...

Both Republican and Democratic parties were, from then on, 
the exclusive parties of U.S. big business with no other 
significance (besides the enrichment of professional 
bourgeois politicians) than to continue the rule of big 
business with one or another reformist or reactionary 

- END -

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