On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 21:22:54 +0100, Mads Lindstrøm wrote:
> It would be fair, except that the time-package did not compile easily on
> Debian either :( I will try to look more into the issue this weekend.
> Maybe I could get the time-package maintainers to fix the issue.

Hmm, is it perhaps just a matter of upgrading your Cabal?  The new cabal
files aren't compatible with the version that ships by default with GHC

> Is it really necessary to create a branch for that? Or maybe it is more
> trouble than I think. Could we not just ask people to un-record / revert
> the patch? It's two darcs commands. And they could just copy'paste them
> from the wiki.

You're right.  Even better, it's just one command (obliterate, which
does the same thing as unrecord/revert)

> But I must admit I was hoping for some configure-script magic. I have
> never edited configure-scripts before and are therefore quite ignorant
> of what is possible. Or how to do it.

If it helps, our configure script is hand-written and not using

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
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