On 9 January 2012 17:04, Jeremy O'Donoghue <jeremy.odonog...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Dave, all
> On 6 January 2012 16:02, Dave Tapley <dave.a.tap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2012/1/6 shelarcy <shela...@gmail.com>
>>> 2. It seems that wxcore depends on Eric's wx-config implicitly at least
>>> Windows environment. "cabal install" fail with wx-config-win binary,
>> Can you remember how this failed, or send some output from the failure,
>> and also let us know what version of wxWidgets you have?
>> I'm hoping you say you have wx-2.9.x, in which case it could be this
>> issue:
>> http://code.google.com/p/wx-config-win/issues/detail?id=21
>>  and "cabal install" success with Eric's one. If wxcore depends on
>>> wx-config package in only Windows environment, I think we should upload
>>> Eric's wx-config package, and modify wxcore to denped on wx-config
>>> package
>>> on  Windows environment for workaround.
>>> if os(windows)
>>>   Build-Depends: wx-config
>>> wx-config package isn't uploaded yet. So, I don't upload newer version,
>>> nor attach patch for fixing this problem.
>> We're still making a decision on whether to continue using
>> wx-config(-win), or to adopt Eric's one.
>> I'm going to see if I can get a conversation going with the wxWidgets
>> people and then I'll send out another mail.
> Now that the 0.13 branch looks like it is finished, I have pulled your
> development repo (so as to be up to date), and started to look at Windows
> support.

Excellent, I hope it's not too much of a nightmare, I played around a
little with my branch in Windows, but I'm primarily in Ubuntu.

> Needless to say, I have immediately hit the wx-config roadblock, since I
> have compiled a release build of wxWidgets 2.9.3, and wx-config-win only
> knows about debug builds.

Welcome to the party :)
Just for the sake of clarity, I feel obliged to question your use of the
words "release" and "debug"; are you aware of the "Debug Build Changes in
Here's the news:
(seeing the date of the post made me realise just how far behind we are,
and also how slow the wxWidgets release cycles are!)

That has manifested itself in this known issue with wx-config-win:

Finally, just out of curiosity: Did you build wxWidgets with VC++ or gcc?
I dutifully downloaded the free version of Visual C++ 2010 express, loaded
the wxWidgets 2.9.3 project, built, and ran some sample code. However when
I tried to use wx-config-win I realised that it required a "build.cfg"
file, which isn't generated when you build with VC++ (I suppose because
VC++ manages all the build settings itself, and so doesn't need to export
anything). Without this one is unable to install wxHaskell.

I turned to the wiki and discovered this:

Using it as a guide (note that one can't use wxPack because there are no
wxPack releases for the development (2.9.x) releases of wxWidgets) I was
(almost) able to cabal install wxHaskell from my darcsden branch (it failed
because I didn't --with-OpenGL the wxWidgets configure, and then I ran out
of time).

> I am leaning towards doing something with Eric's wx-config. There are a
> couple of reasons for this:
>    - It keeps us in control of our own destiny;
>    - Haskell is a *much* more pleasant implementation language for a
>    utility which mainly does text processing than C++.
> Does the group have an opinion on this? My feeling is that since the last
> commit to wx-config-win was in 2006, it may be a while before fixes come
> along, and even then, we will probably need to write the patches.
Ah, well, yes..
Firstly the pro-(wx-config-win) items:
* I contacted the owner of wx-config-win and he made me an owner of the
Google code project, so we're 'in charge' now.
* I got a small discussion going on its existence in #wxwidgets on
freenode. The consensus is that, because /most/ people use Visual Studio
(in some flavour) to develop with wxWidgets in Windows, there simply wasn't
the need to maintain wx-config-win. As a result it was never stable enough
to merit merging in to the wxWidgets code base. By comparison the wx-config
we know and love on Linux systems (and, I presume, OS X?) is essential and
so well maintained:

(I didn't realise until recently that it is just a shell script, copied in
to your install dir and symlinked into your PATH).

And now the cons:
* It is woefully out of date. There are 18 open issues (
http://code.google.com/p/wx-config-win/issues/list) and who knows how many
undiscovered bugs.
* As mentioned, the wxWidgets community doesn't seem desperately fussed
about its existence, so long as Visual Studio is around
* It's implementation is in need of an overhaul, as identified by the
previous owner (http://code.google.com/p/wx-config-win/issues/detail?id=6)

So, in summary, I'm not sure.
My optimist, open-source heart says we should resurrect the wx-win-config
My do-it-the-right-way heart says we ditch the existing C++ source and
replicate the shell script (Windows PowerShell anyone?)
My everything-is-wonderful-with-Haskell heart says let's just roll our own,
no one uses wx-config-win anyway, and all it does it find a few headers and

> Regards
> Jeremy
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