Hi everybody,

Attached are a Setup.hs file and a small addendum which you can use to
'cabal install' your wxHaskell apps on MacOS X without having to jump
through any extra hoops like calling the macosx-app script.

Note that the Setup.hs *should* be general enough to just work with your
application, and that it also tries to be clever enough not to do any of
these Mac-specific things outside of OS X.  But please let me know if
you run into any trouble.

Background on

Having this is an immense relief as far as scratching itches goes.
Hope it helps somebody else!

Eric Kow <http://www.nltg.brighton.ac.uk/home/Eric.Kow>
PGP Key ID: 08AC04F9
-- --------------- BEGIN Setup.hs EXAMPLE ------------------------------
import Control.Monad (foldM_, forM_)
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import System.Cmd
import System.Exit
import System.Info (os)
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, copyFile, removeFile, 
createDirectoryIfMissing )

import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithHooks $ addMacHook simpleUserHooks
  addMacHook h =
   case os of
    "darwin" -> h { postInst = appBundleHook } -- is it OK to treat darwin as 
synonymous with MacOS X?
    _        -> h

appBundleHook :: Args -> InstallFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo 
-> IO ()
appBundleHook _ _ pkg localb =
 forM_ exes $ \app ->
   do createAppBundle theBindir (buildDir localb </> app </> app)
      customiseAppBundle (appBundlePath theBindir app) app
        `catch` \err -> putStrLn $ "Warning: could not customise bundle for " 
++ app ++ ": " ++ show err
      removeFile (theBindir </> app)
      createAppBundleWrapper theBindir app
  theBindir = bindir $ absoluteInstallDirs pkg localb NoCopyDest
  exes = fromMaybe (map exeName $ executables pkg) mRestrictTo

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- helper code for application bundles
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | 'createAppBundle' @d p@ - creates an application bundle in @d@
--   for program @p@, assuming that @d@ already exists and is a directory.
--   Note that only the filename part of @p@ is used.
createAppBundle :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
createAppBundle dir p =
 do createDirectoryIfMissing False $ bundle
    createDirectoryIfMissing True  $ bundleBin
    createDirectoryIfMissing True  $ bundleRsrc
    copyFile p (bundleBin </> takeFileName p)
  bundle     = appBundlePath dir p
  bundleBin  = bundle </> "Contents/MacOS"
  bundleRsrc = bundle </> "Contents/Resources"

-- | 'createAppBundleWrapper' @d p@ - creates a script in @d@ that calls
--   @p@ from the application bundle @d </> takeFileName p <.> "app"@
createAppBundleWrapper :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
createAppBundleWrapper bindir p =
  writeFile (bindir </> takeFileName p) scriptTxt
  scriptTxt = "`dirname $0`" </> appBundlePath "." p </> "Contents/MacOS" </> 
takeFileName p ++ " \"$...@\""

appBundlePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
appBundlePath dir p = dir </> takeFileName p <.> "app"

-- optional stuff: to be discussed later
mRestrictTo = Nothing
customiseAppBundle _ _ = return ()
-- --------------- END Setup.hs EXAMPLE ---------------------------------
-- ------------- BEGIN FANCY Setup.hs ADDENDUM ------------------------
-- | Put here IO actions needed to add any fancy things (eg icons)
--   you want to your application bundle.
customiseAppBundle :: FilePath -- ^ app bundle path
                   -> FilePath -- ^ full path to original binary
                   -> IO ()
customiseAppBundle bundleDir p =
 case takeFileName p of
  "geni" ->
    do hasRez <- doesFileExist "/Developer/Tools/Rez"
       if hasRez
          then do -- set the icon
                  copyFile "etc/macstuff/Info.plist" (bundleDir </> 
                  copyFile "etc/macstuff/wxmac.icns" (bundleDir </> 
                  -- no idea what this does
                  system ("/Developer/Tools/Rez -t APPL Carbon.r -o " ++ 
bundleDir </> "Contents/MacOS/geni")
                  writeFile (bundleDir </> "PkgInfo") "APPL????"
                  -- tell Finder about the icon
                  system ("/Developer/Tools/SetFile -a C " ++ bundleDir </> 
                  return ()
          else putStrLn "Developer Tools not found.  Too bad; no fancy icons 
for you."
  ""     -> return ()

-- | Put here the list of executables which contain a GUI.  If they all
--   contain a GUI (or you don't really care that much), just put Nothing
mRestrictTo :: Maybe [String]
mRestrictTo = Just ["geni"]
-- ------------- END FANCY Setup.hs ADDENDUM ---------------------------

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