On Dec 12, 2007 10:24 PM, Jon Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I'm new to this so go easy on me (first post!).


> I'm running a Lua interpreter that's embedded in a C++ application
> already (a 3d app). It's using Lua 5.1 I believe.

What program? wxLua can conceivably be loaded from a program like
this, but there may be a problem with competing event loops. In other
words the main program hooks into the OS to get mouse/key/idle events
and so does wxLua.

> Is there any way to load a wxLua module (where is it?) into any
> separate interpreter? What file(s) do I need for this? I have no idea
> where the compiled module would be and what I'd need to run it. I
> know where my require paths are for the application and can write and
> load up modules at will in the app. I've never even attempted to load
> up a compiled lua module (that might be part of the problem).

I have only an antique Mac and so I haven't done too much development
on it. Unfortunately I have not looked into creating a loadable module
for wxLua for the Mac, but there is the code to create a loadable
module in wxLua/modules/luamodule and perhaps it even builds correctly
on the Mac.

> Unfortunately, I have zero developer tools on the machine I'm using
> right now (10.4.10). The only files I see in the download that seem
> like I might be able to use are wx.bundle and the liblua5.1.0.dylib
> (but isn't that just the lua 5.1 library?).

I'm still in the midst of rewriting the internals of wxLua to make it
a little faster and more robust when used with coroutines. I hope to
finish testing the changes soon and plan on doing a release. Perhaps
before the new year?

For starters, try getting some generic precompiled module (from Lua
binaries maybe?) and see if you can load that.

Good luck,

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