> Can you add this line to modules/luamodule/luamodule.cpp to help
> figure out what is happening and recompile?
> 50 BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, 
> 51 {
> printf("AAAAAAA %p %d : a %d d %d\n", hModule,
> (int)ul_reason_for_call, (int)DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH,
> (int)DLL_PROCESS_DETACH); fflush(stdout);
> 52 switch (ul_reason_for_call)
> 53 {
> ...

Thank you for answering. I have solved the problems in my lualanes and wx 
application. It seems that something is not working if I do 
require"something" inside a lane that has not been required in the lua_state 
where wx is loaded. When the lane is finished wx gets hanged (I guess that 
when unloading the dll) so I am now requiring everything in the main 
lua_state even if I dont need it. Another problem came from wx defining bit 
instead of wx.bit so when I use bit from luaBitOp lanes get confused also (I 
renamed it bitOp for solving).

I have always wanted to require wx in a lane but because of "only once" dll 
initialization it does not work. I am able to require wx from a lane if it 
has not been required from the "main" lua_State. Do you thing it could be 
changed anyhow so that luaopen_wx does not return lua_getglobal(L, "wx");? 
Would that break wx?

Best Regards
Victor Bombi 

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