<I do not know why my last two post did not include the email content, post 

For the issue: STC seems does not work for wxstc.wxSTC_LEX_CPP, something found 
through my tests,

1.       I found all the lexers (ASM, D, CPP, PERL, SQL) using LexerFactory in 
the line like LexerModule lmCPP(SCLEX_CPP, LexerCPP::LexerFactoryCPP, "cpp", 
cppWordLists) have the same issue.

2.       Please check the attached file, you can find that the first line in 
the editor does NOT have a line number in the line number margin,  and the line 
number 1 is against the second line in the editor.

3.       When I input in the first line (the caret is in the first line), it 
seems the input chars are put in the second line.

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