On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 1:44 AM, Zhang, Ethan <ethan.zh...@arrisi.com> wrote:

> 1. STC seems does not work for wxstc.wxSTC_LEX_CPP, I just changed the
> editor:SetLexer(wxstc.wxSTC_LEX_LUA) ->
> editor:SetLexer(wxstc.wxSTC_LEX_CPP) in the editor.wx.wlua, then run the
> editor.wx.wlua, the editor did not show what inputted. the editor worked
> well for other languages.
Does the wxStEdit editor handle CPP highlighting correctly? In order to use
the lexer you need to set a fair number of extra things. You can look at
the code in editor.wx.lua for the Lua lexer and then look at the code in
wxStEdit, though I will admit that it is quite complicated, to see what
values to use for the cpp lexer.

2. The .exe file generated from wxLuaFreezed.exe cannot get run, even in
> cmd prompt, showed nothing.
That is very strange, does wxLua.exe run correctly? They aren't very
different at all.

 3. wxStEdit.exe and wxLuaEdit.exe take many time to start, about 15
> seconds.
Again, very strange, can you break into them with a debugger and see where
they are during this long time?

> BTW: Do you have plan to release official binary release against wxWidgets
> 3.0, alpha or beta version, or even a work version is OK.
I do, but as you might guess I have little time to work on it. I do plan to
release one soonish.

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