
I want to create a readonly multiline rich text control that has the wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER style, so I've tried to use
Wx::TextCtrl with the wxTE_RICH2 style.

I need to make some format settings in the control, like the font, the color, background-color, boldness and other things like that and I thought I can use Wx::TextAttr, but unfortunately I've read that all the methods for setting options of this module are not available in WxPerl.

I've seen in the demo module that the Wx::RichText extension is used instead and I thought I could use it instead of Wx::TextCtrl.

Unfortunately I can't use a RichTextCtrl object with the keyboard, because if I use the arrow up or arrow down, instead of moving the cursor to the next or previous line, it moves to the previous or next control. And I've also seen that the wxTE_READONLY style seems to not work with Wx::RichTextCtrl.

What is your advice in this regard?

It would be wonderful if I could assign a pre-created RTF string to the control, because I would be able to use more formats which are allowed by RTF specifications, since I might need to also use subscripts, superscripts, etc. But even if it is possible to add and format text only by using different methods, please tell me how can I do what I want.

Can I make Wx::RichTextCtrl to create readonly controls that can be used with the keyboard? Or can I assign different formats to a Wx::TextCtrl using Wx::TextAttr or other methods?

Sorry for so many questions, but I couldn't find documentation about these things anywhere.

Thank you.


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