Hi Francois,

If you use the force install (I imagine you mean cpan -fi Wx)., it will just ignore any non-fatal errors, but actually we don't want any errors at all. I do use the -fi option sometime if I know that the error is in the documentation or something, but otherwise I've never found it to be a sound strategy.

I would really use the 2-step install. That way you can test the wxWidgets examples (should you want to), you can also avoid modules that you don't want to use if they fail. You can specify the installation directoty and so on. You can similarly manipulate the wxPerl install too.

I did start off with package installs many years ago, first from ppm on WIndows, but then with cpan on Linux and it wasn't until I used the 2-step that I could really handle what was happening. Other people swear by citrus perl, but that never worked for me either.

Good luck,


On 17/04/15 08:55, RAPPAZ Francois wrote:
I did
force install Wx
from the cpan shell:

Testing with samples/trivial/trivial.pl (see below) I see where the problems 
were with the tests:
When I close the window app using the window's x button, the script sometime 
does not return and I received the error message from W7
"perl.exe has stopped working".

But this is not systematics... sometime it works and the script return without 
message... I would say it returns 3 times on 5

Idea ?


use strict;
use Wx;
my $app = Wx::SimpleApp->new;
my $frame = Wx::Frame->new( undef, -1, "Trivial Sample" );
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Cookson [mailto:steve.cook...@sca-uk.com]
Sent: vendredi, 17. avril 2015 09:42
To: RAPPAZ Francois; wxperl-users@perl.org
Subject: Re: Cann't Perl Build with wxWidget 3.0.2

Hi Francois,

On 17/04/15 04:01, RAPPAZ Francois wrote:
Is there a way I could successfully install Wx::Alien and telling him
: use my "standalone" setup of wxWidgets, don't build your own ?
There is a parameter (--prefix), which I don't use, but you can play
with it.  If you do a search on these email archives, Mark talks about
it more.  On Linux something like the following would work,

Good luck,



#  Remove your old install files.
cd ~
rm -rf Alien-wxWidgets

svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/wxperl/code/Alien-wxWidgets/trunk
cd ~/Alien-wxWidgets
perl Build.PL \
      --wxWidgets-build=1 \
      --wxWidgets-graphicscontext \
      --wxWidgets-build-opengl=1 \
      --wxWidgets-version=3.0.2 \
      --wxWidgets-source=tar.bz2 \
      --wxWidgets-unicode=1 \
      --wx-unicode='yes' \
      --wxWidgets-build-opengl=1 \
      --wxWidgets-extraflags="--enable-graphics_ctx \
                          --disable-compat26 \
                          --enable-mediactrl \
                          --with-libjpeg=builtin \
                          --with-libpng=builtin \
                          --with-regex=builtin \
                          --with-libtiff=builtin \
                          --with-zlib=builtin \
                          --with-expat=builtin \
                          --with-libxpm=builtin \

perl Build  # Download and compile wxWidgets.

perl Build install
cd ..

cd ~
rm -rf ~/wxPerl
svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/wxperl/code/wxPerl/trunk ~/wxPerl cd
~/wxPerl perl Makefile.PL make make install cd ~

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