Hi there

I wrote a bunch of classes to speed up the building of a gtk2 gui to fetch 
records from a database. 

These classes are under the Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker package tree.

Access to the database can be made with plain sql and DBI, Rose::DB::Object or 
DBIx::Class, however these classes are now under Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker and not 
somewhere in Rose::DB::Ex ... or DBIx::Class ... 

I plan to add two classes to build the gui using Wx. 

I would  have liked to add these two classes in the same Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker 
module for simplicity, but it would be probably better to have these somewhere 
under Wx::Perl for example Wx::Perl::DbLinker.

I would then require the classes that interact with the database when one 
install this new module.

But to require only these classes without the Gtk2 part, I need to split the 
module Gtk2::Ex::DbLinker keeping there the two classes that use Gt2, and 
migrating the other in a new package, for example Gtk2::Ex (???) 
DbLinker::Tools to have these classes together instead of putting them 
somewhere in Rose::DB, DBIx::Class and DBI 

Thanks for any comment and suggestion


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