Hi People,

I just thought I'd post this thought.

I've variously been having problems with pieces of code if I run them too often (actually, it turned out that this was because I had created but not activated my swap file. Who'd have guessed?). Anyway in the course of trying to track this down, I came up with the following piece of code, which I decided to circulate (maybe you all do it anyway).

First of all I create a global variable called $gl_dialog_base, then if I want to create a screen, say i_Booking, I use a derived function i_Booking -> new, which creates the dialog box and paints the controls. Then I populates the controls with data (setInitialDataState).

I update the global variable and the next time round I just populate the data.

Like this:

    if (not $gl_dialog_base{bookingNew}){
$dlg_booking= i_Booking -> new ($i_frame, wxID_ANY, wxID_ADD, wxDefaultPosition,[$gl_cfg->{monitor_resolution_x}, $gl_cfg->{monitor_resolution_y}], wxNO_BORDER, "" );
        $gl_dialog_base{bookingNew} = {
                        instantiated => 1,
                        dialog_pointer => $dlg_booking,
    } else {
        $dlg_booking= $gl_dialog_base{bookingNew}{dialog_pointer};

It's more efficient, much quicker, uses less memory and crashes less frequently (if you haven't activated your swap file).

If anyone else has any ideas for efficiency, I'd love to hear.

Have fun,



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