Hi All,

There also a wxPython book


Maybe we can get some ideas from that too.

That the wxPython google group is quite active is a testimony to the efforts that have gone into supporting it, as you can see if you look it up here:



On 09/01/16 14:01, Ron Grunwald wrote:
Learning wxPerl - Table of Contents Good evening all,

I have begun to think about constructing a detailed table of contents for the Learning wxPerl book. Since wxPerl is so large in terms of widget classes and methods that it provides, I thought it might be appropriate to use the table of contents of the Learning Perl/Tk book as a guide.

I’ve attached the Learning Perl/Tk table of contents (TOC). What I’m hoping is that subscribers of this group who are interested in contributing to the Learning wxPerl book have a look at the TOC. If you find any entries that you feel are not applicable to wxPerl, post a reply. Conversely, if you have used a particular widget that you’ve found to be very useful, and feel that it should be described in detail in this book, please post a reply.

My next task is to translate the TOC so it is relevant to wxPerl. There are already a few additions that I intend to include:

 1. James Lynes mentioned “Simple Application Structure” in his
    outline of the book.
 2. wxPerl has an extensive collection of dialog widgets, and I feel
    most of them should be covered in detail in the book.
 3. Erik Colson, in replying to one of James’ posts, mentioned wxPerl
    and Moose. I think a section entitled “Using Object Oriented
    Techniques in wxPerl” would be a great addition to the book.

Kind Regards.
Ron Grunwald

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