Am 30.11.2011 13:30, schrieb Mike Gabriel:
> Hi Alex,
> On Mi 30 Nov 2011 13:15:19 CET Oleksandr Shneyder wrote:
>> I don't like it. As result you can get a wrong behaviour of a client, if
>> you starting a session with new client and resuming it with old one. I
>> don't think, that this feature is important enough to break
>> compatibility with old versions of clients.
> I have reverted the server-side changes in x2gostartagent. Instead, I
> have changed x2gostartagent in a way that it will check for the
> x2gofeature X2GO_FEATURE_SESSIONTITLE and if that is available it will
> call a subscript.
> This feature X2GO_FEATURE_SESSIONTITL and the corresponding subscript
> ,,x2gosessiontitle'' are part of a new extension package I have added to
> x2goserver and called: x2goserver-pyhoca, an add-on package to improve
> functionality of pyhoca-gui and pyhoca-cli. This package will only be
> suggested by the core x2goserver package, so it will not be installed if
> people do not actively select it for installation.
> This package currently contains two scripts only used by pyhoca:
>   x2gosessiontitle
>   x2gosetkeyboard
> The x2gosessiontitle subscript will then only generate a custom session
> title if the env var X2GO_FEATURE_SESSIONTITLE is set to ,,enabled''.
> This has to be done from the client when launching x2gostartagent.
> I hope this approach allows us to keep the session title functionality
> and stay also compatible with old client implementations and between
> pyhoca and x2goclient.
> Let me know what you think,
> Mike

it sounds ok for me.

Oleksandr Shneyder
Dipl. Informatik
X2go Core Developer Team


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