On 29.11.2016 05:16 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1399281
> --- Comment #17 from Andreas Schneider <a...@redhat.com> ---
> Please open a bug for x2goclient upstream to use the new PKI API of libssh and
> not outdated functions.
> http://api.libssh.org/stable/group__libssh__pki.html#ga1c8f84137606b1585006302499100ee0

Thanks. I'll take a stab at that probably some time next week.

Can't see the RedHat bug report - permission denied.

If possible please relay to Andreas that I wasn't aware these functions were
deprecated, because they aren't marked as deprecated in legacy.h. He'll probably
want to add the SSH_DEPRECATED macro.

If I'm not mistaken though, these are now wrappers around the new PKI functions.
It's not checking correctly for SSH_EOF, though, only for SSH_ERROR.

I've ported X2Go Client to use non-deprecated versions in the current master
branch some time ago, so the channel_* functions won't be used anymore with, whenever that's released.


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