Dear $ALL,

In exactly one month, from December 11th to December 15th, we'll have our annual X2Go meeting for users, admins and code contributors to X2Go - once again, 100% virtual/online, so it's a "The Spread" and not a "The Gathering" once more. We're hoping to see you there.

We'll post a link to a virtual meeting room in due time, and expect to be streaming/recording the event to YouTube or a similar platform as well.

Starting time will likely be 20:00 CET, as last year, unless a significant number of participants requests an earlier start time (say, 18:00 CET or 19:00 CET) - please let me know (off-list, see below for contact details) if you'd like to request an earlier start time.

Sadly, in summer, where Covid numbers and weather conditions would have allowed for a real-life meeting, we had a scheduling conflict. And as the numbers are rising again, we cannot in good conscience host a real-life international conference - especially as some of our members have vulnerable household members or are vulnerable persons themselves.

The event page (still work in progress) can be found here:

Each evening has one, max. two time slots for a talk/presentation.
At the moment, three topics are confirmed:
- The usual "X2Go: State of the Union" opening speech
- A report looking back at our latest stable X2Go release, which brought
   KDrive into the stable repository, and showing what still needs to be
   done Re: KDrive.
- A report on how we used for collecting X2Go-related
   donations in the last 18 months, and an open discussion on how we
   could improve our usage of this platform.

I am also hoping for a certain volunteer to commit to a fourth presentation regarding the latest changes and improvements in NX-Libs - since Arctica/NX-Libs pushed out a new release as well (on which our X2Go release is also based, obviously).

This means we will have at least one more open talk slot - possibly more, if the two release reports for NX-Libs and X2Go only take 10-15 minutes each.

If nobody volunteers, I might fill that remaining slot with a quick demo of how to netboot X2Go-TCE-Live via iPXE in EFI and legacy mode.

But I'm really hoping for more volunteers for talks/demos/presentations - so if you would like to present something X2Go/NX-Libs/Arctica-related, please let me know (again, off-list, see below for contact details).

We also have the option to prerecord your talk, in case your schedule doesn't allow for a live presentation and/or your internet connection is too flaky. It would be nice if you're available for a live Q&A round after your talk, though (via text-only chat or audio-only stream is fine).

Please note that this time, the orca e.V. annual meeting will take place on the Sunday morning *before* the start of X2Go: The Spread 2023. All orca e.V. members have already received their invitation.

To contact me, please do not hit "reply"/"reply to all"/"reply to list", but rather, send a *new* E-Mail to <>.

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243

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