Hi Mike

I'm very happy to see your message !! I test it for 10 days and can't see the resume function working properly.

I connect on the broker with this command : x2goclient --borker-url=ssh://10.0.0.XXX/usr/bin/x2gobroker
The server run xfce desktop

When I launch the command i Never see the box which permit to choose resum/supend/or create a new session.

Why ?

--- x2goserver ------------------------------------------------
On x2goserver I installed x2gobroker-agent
The list of process that works on x2goserver :
avahi 649 0.0 0.0 32344 1640 ? S 08:22 0:00 avahi-daemon: running [xu1404-x2go-server-02.local] root 1217 0.0 0.2 33784 5220 ? S 08:22 0:00 /usr/bin/perl /usr/sbin/x2gocleansessions root 3169 0.0 0.0 18952 932 pts/2 S+ 08:28 0:00 grep --color=auto x2go

I see that the x2gocleansessions is working

dpkg -l | grep x2go
ii python-ecdsa 0.11-1~bpo70+1~0x2go~ubuntu14.04.1 all ECDSA cryptographic signature library (Python 2) ii python-paramiko 1.15.1-1~0x2go1~ubuntu14.04.1 all Make ssh v2 connections with Python (Python 2)
ii  x2goagent 2:       all          X2Go agent
ii x2gobroker-agent amd64 X2Go http(s) based session broker (common files) ii x2goserver amd64 X2Go server daemon scripts ii x2goserver-extensions all X2Go server daemon scripts (extensions) ii x2goserver-xsession all X2Go server daemon scripts (Xsession runner)

The x2gobroker-agent is installed
--- x2gobroker --------------------------------------------
On x2gobroker the x2gobroker.conf
  default-portscan-x2goservers = true
  default-use-load-checker = true
  load-checker-intervals = 300

  enable = false
  #auth-mech = pam
  #user-db = libnss
  #group-db = libnss
  #desktop-shell = KDE

  enable = true
  session-profiles = /etc/x2go/broker/x2gobroker-sessionprofiles.conf
  use-load-checker = true

When I open a session with x2gobroker user and open a ssh session on the x2goserver, the session openned with no password authentification because i put the broker .pub key in the x2gobroker authorized_keys file on the x2goserver
  # su -s /bin/bash x2gobroker
  x2gobroker@UB1404-X2GO-BROKER:/root$ ssh x2gobro...@10.0.0.xxx
  Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-53-generic x86_64)

   * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/

  5 packages can be updated.
  0 updates are security updates.

  Last login: Fri May 29 10:38:44 2015 from 10.0.0.YYY

dpkg -l | grep x2go
ii python-ecdsa 0.11-1~bpo70+1~0x2go~ubuntu14.04.1 all ECDSA cryptographic signature library (Python 2) ii python-paramiko 1.15.1-1~0x2go1~ubuntu14.04.1 all Make ssh v2 connections with Python (Python 2) ii python-x2gobroker all X2Go Session Broker (Python modules) ii x2gobroker all X2Go Session Broker (executable) ii x2gobroker-authservice all X2Go Session Broker (PAM authentication service)



Le 30/05/2015 16:23, > Mike Gabriel (par Internet) a écrit :
Hi Franck,

On Fr 29 Mai 2015 11:29:45 CEST, BOTZ Franck (Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux) - DDT 67/SIDSIC/Pôle Infra wrote:

I use the nightly build on a 14.04 Ubuntu

Could anyone confim me that resuming/suspending a session is functionnal trough a broker ?

I can resume/suspend a session directly to a x2goserver but i can't with the broker.

Resume+Suspend works with the broker version in the nightly builds.

It requires x2gobroker-agent to be installed on X2Go Servers.

It requires a working x2gobroker <-> x2gobroker-agent setup.

It requires a running x2gocleansessions script on the X2Go Servers (which needs to be activated on non-Debian based installations of X2Go IIRC).

It requires agent-query-mode=SSH (or LOCAL) to be set in /etc/x2go/x2gobroker.conf, ... or broker-agent-query-mode=SSH (or LOCAL) to be set in invididual session profiles.


x2go-user mailing list
  • ... BOTZ Franck (Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux) - DDT 67/SIDSIC/Pôle Infra
    • ... Mihai Moldovan
      • ... Mihai Moldovan
    • ... Mike Gabriel
      • ... BOTZ Franck (Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux) - DDT 67/SIDSIC/Pôle Infra
        • ... Stefan Baur
          • ... BOTZ Franck (Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux) - DDT 67/SIDSIC/Pôle Infra
            • ... Mike Gabriel
        • ... Mike Gabriel

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