On Wed, 5 Aug 2015, Paul Raines wrote:

Doing Ctrl-Alt-T to terminate in the windows client will make the windows close but doesn't clean up the session on the server. Reconnecting still just connects you to a empty background screen.

     Instead of reconnecting, select the session and Terminate it, then
select a new session.

     That is the work-around that works for me.  I've filed a bug report on
this so hopefully it will be resolved.  I have verified that exactly the same
version of x2go and exactly the same version of Mate exists on both my
SL7 and Centos7 servers and that conf files are the same, yet it works on
SL7 but not Centos7, even though both are derived from EL7.

     Oddly Remmina with the NX plugin works properly with Centos7 even though
X2Go does not.
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