On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 8:21 PM James M. Pulver <jmp...@cornell.edu> wrote:
> The same way FLOSS syncthing keeps a text file in sync across N
> different systems, OSs, etc? I mean, it's usually a specialized product,
> but being as both are FLOSS, I guess someone could spend time to
> integrate either the tech just for clipboard, or hack something together
> with a text file that is synced and then the X2Go client puts whatevers
> in the text file into the clipboard on the computer it's running on?
> Of course, that's a lot of work, and I'm just being slightly flippant.
> I often work around clipboard sync issues (hello freerdp) with a shared
> text file that I overwrite wherever and then copy paste "locally".

Yes, xfreerdp is constantly breaking clipboard...

Having such a second clipboard sync mechanism looks easy at first
glance. But you somehow need to integrate with existing clipboard, and
that's where the problems begin (again).

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