On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 1:14 AM Ingo Brückl <i...@wupperonline.de> wrote:
> > nxagent uses these defaults if no fontpath is specified (using -fp) on
> > startup:
> None of the paths apply in my case: /usr/share/fonts/{75dpi,misc}, so I don't
> wonder about having only "built-ins".
> > If you run xset q inside the x2go session you will see the settings of
> > x2go's X server (x2goagent/nxagent).
> Oh, I see. I didn't know nxagent is a nested Xserver.
> > To check the font settings of the Vcxsrv.exe you have two options:
> > - check the logfile (I am not sure if that is always created; cannot
> > check right now)
> There is one, but no information about the font settings in it.
> > - run xset q against the vcxsrv's display
> Wouldn't I need an xset binary (and more?) for Windows to do that?

This is X11, so you only need an xset anywhere and an X server
(vcxsrv) that allows remote access.

I don't a have a windows installation at hand where I could test that,
but in principle it works like this:

 So what you do is this:
- run vcxsrv with the option -ac. This will disable access control.
- run xset -display <vcxsrv's hostname>:<vcxsrv's display number>

Maybe you have to disable the windows firewall for that.

> > If you fontpath inside the session if only "built-ins" none of the
> > mentioned dirs is existing on your server. Can you please verify?
> Yes, I can confirm.

Alright, the problem then is that Linux From Scratch is using
fontpaths that differ from the default ones. You can pass the correct
font paths by adding the appropriate -fp option to

Can you please send us the correct list (derived from the defaults I
posted earlier) for your distribution? We then can add this to source
code (although I think we should revise that code to determine the
system's default patch automatically during build.

> > Now the question: where's you special font located?
> Currently on both the Linux machine and a copy on Windows.

I am interested in the path. BTW: I doubt you need the fonts on the
Windows side, so please re-test with the fonts removed from windows.

> > What does xset q report if you just open a simple session with an xterm
> > and nothing else?
> I don't know what you mean by "a simple session".

Does not matter now, as we have found the root cause: unusual font
paths on your system.

A simple session is one that does not start a full desktop environment
like xfce but only a single xterm. You can achieve that by selection
"Application" under "Session Type" and specifying a full path to the
xterm in the right input field.

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