I have a few hosts in my ~/.ssh/config file which have ProxyJump lines
specifying _multiple_ jump hosts:

Host foo
ForwardAgent    yes
ProxyJump first.example.com, second.example.com

It seems like X2Go doesn't like this kind of configuration. I complains
when I try to establish any connection (even when trying to connect to
other hosts which don't have a line like this):

"Cannot connect to first.example.com:22 Failed to process system

Everything works fine in cases that require only a single jump host. As
far as I can tell from the ssh_config (5) man page my configuration with
multiple jump hosts is valid. Any suggestions how to deal with this?

Thanks a lot,


Martin Konrad
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Michigan State University
640 South Shaw Lane
East Lansing, MI 48824-1321, USA
Tel. 517-908-7253
Email: kon...@frib.msu.edu
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