On 9/27/23 05:24, Rui Ferreira wrote:
> Hello Orion
> There's an entry in the FAQ about kscreen issues.
> Regards,
> Rui Ferreira [user]
> Às 18:42 de 25/09/23, Orion Poplawski escreveu:
>> On 9/25/23 09:17, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>>> I'm seeing a lot of these messages with a kdrive user:
>>> Sep 21 05:55:40 kded5[10869]: kscreen.kded:         Failed to find a 
>>> matching
>>> mode - this means that our config is corruptedor a different device with the
>>> same serial number has been connected (very unlikely).Falling back to
>>> preferred modes.
>>> Sep 21 05:55:40 kded5[10869]: colord: Unable to get EDID for output 
>>> "X2GoKDriv
>>> e-0"
>>> Sep 21 05:55:40 kded5[10869]: colord: Failed to register device: "device id 
>>> 'x
>>> randr-X2GoKDrive-0' already exists"
>>> Sep 21 05:55:40 kded5[10869]: colord: Failed to create ICC profile on 
>>> cmsCreat
>>> eRGBProfile
>>> Repeats every few seconds it seems.
>>> Should kdrive be simulating EDID or some other output/information to help
>>> kscreen and colord?
>> We're seeing this lead to a segfault in kscreen and possibly behavior where
>> the x2go window resizes uncontrollably.

Even after removing kscreen, one user is still having issues:

The effect seems to be a bit cumulative.
First time or two after restarting x2go, no resizing.
Then like a 1- or 2-'round' of resizing and it'll stop.
Then after another few times it's up to 5 or 6...
Then at some point you get to where it just won't stop.
But restarting x2go (loosing your session) does get
it to stop.  Or, start the cycle I describe above over again.

Is there some extra logging that might be useful to log screen resize requests?

Orion Poplawski
IT Systems Manager                         720-772-5637
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office             FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                       or...@nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301                 https://www.nwra.com/

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