Às 18:42 de 02/10/23, Orion Poplawski escreveu:

Even after removing kscreen, one user is still having issues:

The effect seems to be a bit cumulative.
First time or two after restarting x2go, no resizing.
Then like a 1- or 2-'round' of resizing and it'll stop.
Then after another few times it's up to 5 or 6...
Then at some point you get to where it just won't stop.
But restarting x2go (loosing your session) does get
it to stop.  Or, start the cycle I describe above over again.

Is there some extra logging that might be useful to log screen resize requests?

Hi Orion.

I don't know. I'm just a user.
I'm not even using kdrive.
I'm using regular old x2goagent (nxagent) and it works well with KDE/Plasma 5. No issues with kscreen whatsoever.

I just tested it again.
Going from fullscreen to windowed mode, tilling around, etc...
It always resizes nicely.

Sorry. Can't reproduce, can't help.

Rui Ferreira
x2go-user mailing list

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