Well, it's working fine now. Can't explain exactly why, but will tell you what I am doing.
I start Xastir first.
Then I open a terminal and as root, type "soundmodem -v5"
Then I go to Xastir, Interface control, and select the kiss tnc and it starts.
TX and RX OK.

Not being very literate in Linux, I have a problem with the procedure given by George, SV4LAX. If I follow his instructions, after I type "soundmodem -v5" I get three lines of information and then my cursor is at the extreme left of my screen, flashing, and I don't know what to do next.
If I keep going down the list as it reads, nothing  happens.
P_lease, for us dummies, put a line in there that tells us what to do.
Thanks for all the assistance.

Murry   VE9MB

Murry wrote:
It's beyond me.

Curt, WE7U wrote:
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009, Murry wrote:

It means that I had done the  "chmod" as was given in the instructions

Rgr.  And the executable was owned by root before you did the
"chmod" (and after of course)?

The "chmod 4755" command, when run against an executable or script
owned by root, allows that executable or script to run as the root
user.  This allows regular users to run something that needs root
privileges to do special things, like open a networking port.

The type of error you reported can mean:
1) You don't have the correct privileges, or
2) The port doesn't exist that you're trying to mess with.

If #1 and it's a serial port, you should be able to add your user to
the group that owns the port and make sure the port is group R/W.
If it's an AX.25 port, you need to make Xastir owned by root and run
"chmod 4755" against it.

If #2, make sure the port actually exists as spelled out in your
Interface->Properties dialog, that the path is correct, that you
didn't substitute O's for 0's, etc.

Sometimes UDEV can do interesting things, particularly with
USB->Serial adapters.  I sometimes have to switch betwen /dev/USB0
and /dev/USB1 for the same cable.  Also some USB->Serial adapters
are crap and won't work properly due to buffering issues and/or
handshaking issues.  I realize since you're messing with Soundmodem
that's probably not a USB thing, but there are USB soundcards as
well, some with built-in radio interfaces like the USB SignalLink

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