I've a mobile instance of Xastir up and running (CVS from this morning) on Fedora 13. I've got the regional radar working via I-net. The Tornado Warning icons and boxes from APRS-IS that're being gated by my home station are showing up via RF. I'm not connecting to an APRS-IS server.

As I was driving around today - observing weather "stuff" - trying to "borrow" open WiFi connections to get updated radar images, I noticed that as soon as I left the WAP I was connected to when Xastir started, and the laptop connected to another WAP, I could no longer get images. Other I-net things on the laptop worked with the 2nd WAP just fine (web browser, ssh, updates etc). This was repeatable and occurred with several WAPs around town.

Supposition and question:
It appears that Xastir is caching "something" unique to do with networking that doesn't apply after a move to a different WAP. Is that true or do I have something else going on? Any thing I can do to get around it, other than restarting Xastir at each re-connect?

Yes, I know - getting my own mobile I-net connection would be the best fix - but that's not in the cards for now.

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