On Tue, 22 Oct 2013, Curt, WE7U wrote:

You haven't mentioned what sort of raster graphics you're interested in yet. I would recommend using the OSM maps as a first step, which are vector maps from the OpenStreetMaps project. Xastir can use OSM maps directly w/o having to download them manually onto your hard drive, but if you want local maps for driving or portable use, download the Cloudmade OSM Shapefile Extracts instead.

Once you have that working well, there are other OSM maps that are raster tiles. There are USGS DRG geoTIFF maps (one of my favorites) for topo maps. There are USGS DOQQ aerial maps. Just let us know what you're interested in and I'll bet someone on here can point you to them.

I was also going to mention:  If you can find raster maps out there that come with INF 
files, the Xastir project has the "inf2geo.pl" script that can create a .GEO 
file out of it.  You must have GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick installed, plus Perl, in 
order to use it.  Might give you a bunch more possibilities.

Curt, WE7U.        http://wetnet.net/~we7u
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