
Maybe it's just me but I find apt-cache search uninviting. To each their own but at least we've presented options.

Ray vk2tv

On 23/10/13 08:36, Paul Burton wrote:
On Oct 22, 2013 5:29 PM, "Ray Wells" <> wrote:

Yes synaptic is a front end for apt but it's much easier to use,
especially when one is looking for files with changed names. Synaptic
allows searching on partial names and one can scroll though a list, looking
for likely candidates and reading the notes for particular files to see if
there's a possible "match". For me the synaptic gui compensates for my age
induced inability to remember what I've read in command line. I reserve my
use of apt-get for when I know exactly what I need.

IIRC, you can use "apt-cache search" and use wildcards (or maybe even
regex) to search for packages on the commands line.

Paul Burton, N4LWW
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