Hello Jeremy,

I'd like to see a 9600
baud version of the TNC-Pi at some point - would be nice to play a little
with 9600 on UHF here!

While the TNC-X / TNC-Pi are fine products and fun kits to build, they are fairly simplistic TNCs. If you would like to increase your packet decode rates, try out 9600BAUD G3RUH (discriminator tap required), as well as new 2400 and 4800BAUD based PSK modes, give Direwolf a try. It has it's own APRS stack but it can also be used as both a serial-based TNC and a TCP-based KISS TNC all at the same time for use with Xastir. It's a very impressive tool that has native Raspberry Pi binaries available. All it requires is a inexpensive USB sound card and a simple PTT transistor circuit.

Btw, the new Beta version has added AX.25 v2.2 support including connected session support via the AGW API interface. As far as I understand it, it's the ONLY AX.25 v2.2 implementation out there where it's Selective ACKs can make a real difference!

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