Dear Sirs,


                Since I started using the XCSoar, I´m very glad about the
data provided by the software, quality and reliability.  Congratulations for
all the team (CEOs, developers, programmers, etc.).


                I am a simple paraglider pilot that only flies for fun,
since 1998, almost every weekend.  A few participation in local competitions
brought me to be more curious about computer aided systems and I started to
study XCSoar.


                Although, I do not have problem with English reading,
writing and speaking, but I have a lot of friends that do and they use
XCSoar in “experimental” mode, because they can´t understand all the
explanation in the User´s Manual.


                Unfortunately, I haven´t found the XCSoar User´s Manuel in
Portuguese.  Is there any place on the net that I can download?  If don´t,
can I translate to Brazilian Portuguese and send you a copy of it?


                Best regards,


Mauro H. M. Tamburini

Instructor Cat. A

CIVL 26536


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